交叉: cross connection; intersect; ...路: road; way; path岔道: branch road; side road; byro ...十字路口: crossroads; at a critical tu ...十字路口;交叉路;十字路: cross road交叉,十字路口: crossing交叉路十字路: cr crossroad十字路,交叉路(口): xrds cross-roads交叉点,十字路口: intersection到十字路口走左边的岔道: take the left side road at the crossroads十字路口;交路口: cross road交叉路口: diverted traffic; intersection; road junction十字路口: crossroads; at a critical turning-point (in one's life, etc.); the four corners; 徘徊在十字路口 hesitate at the crossroads; 十字路口的那家百货商店是这个地市最大的一家。the department store at the four corners is the largest one in the city十字路口, 广场: carrefour十字路口;交: cross road在十字路口: at a crossroads; at the crossing road; at the crossroads; at the parting of the ways交叉路口进口: intersection approach交叉路口设计: intersection design交叉路口特性: intersection characteristics交叉路口行动: operation crossroads交叉路口延滞: intersectional delay非洲十字路口: carrefour africain科林十字路口: corin's crossing前往十字路口: journey to the cross-roads十字路口;交坡房: cross road